
Die Lange Tafel (The Long Table) brings together young people and the generation of grandparents. As a team they compose a chronicle of memories.

Afterwards they celebrate Das Große Spaghettiessen (The Great Spaghetti Dinner), a festivity at a 200-meter-long table. Citizens from the neighbourhood are invited to join the spectacle taking place in the middle of the street. The stories written down before are attached to a clothesline along the Long Table, where everyone can seem them.

Later, large photographs are placed in the street - An exhibition that depicts the intensive moments of young and old coming together.

We hope that one day the Long Table will go around the world, so that its oral history, the great Spaghetti Dinner and the large photographs can revive the social Gesture of Telling and preserve the Knowledge of the Elderly. Once founded, every Long Table becomes an annual ritual.

For more information please contact: info[at]lange-tafel.com